One of the most important things about pool ladders is that they have to be made from high quality durable materials. Most quality ladders are made from lightweight but strong aluminum, or a steel frame that is coated not just to protect it from the water, but also to make it safer, both to the user as well as the pool itself. The rungs are constructed from high impact ABS plastic, so they will withstand plenty of use.
Weight is an important consideration when it comes to an above ground pool steps. Your ladder should be able to hold at least two hundred and fifty pounds, go well over the top of your pool, and have a platform at the top and extend down into itself to make climbing in and out easy. The outer legs should rest firmly on the ground without slipping, and if you ladder extends all the way to the bottom of your pool, it should also have rubber feet. This will not only prevent damage to the pool’s bottom, but also prevent slippage.
Not all pools are the same. Some have frames that hold up the sides, others are free standing, so it is important that you find above ground ladders that fit the size and shape of your pool. The ladder should have an A shaped design, with space enough that it isn’t going to touch or rub against the side of your pool.
Cost is always an important factor when it comes to pool ladders. While you shouldn’t always go with the cheapest, you shouldn’t have to pay more than a hundred dollars for a quality pool ladder. A lot is going to of course depend on the size of the ladder and what features it has. If you want the best prices and selection, your best option when it comes to pool ladders is to shop online. There are many quality dealers, that offer a number of choices when it comes to these products.
A few things to note about above ground ladders. One is that you want a ladder that is going to be safe for your children to use. Another is that no matter what, you need to supervise the swimming of smaller children. If possible, when you are done for the day you should always remove the ladder, and put a cover on the pool so they won’t accidentally drown. Since many ladders have to be assembled before using, be sure to follow all the instructions, and heed any safety warnings on the package.
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November 6, 2013 @ 4:18 pm
Where can I get a direct suppliers for intex pools, as I need to find a pool with different dimension than what the shops sell.
November 7, 2013 @ 9:29 pm
Hi Briggitte,
please forward us your contact details (email address and phone number) so we can attend to your enquiry.
November 10, 2013 @ 2:58 pm
I would like to know where can I buy a pool cover fro the easy set swimming pool
November 13, 2013 @ 12:24 pm
How can we repair the tube if it got holes in it?
November 13, 2013 @ 6:13 pm
I need a pump for my pool. No one in durban has anything. I have tried makro game and various toy stores. Please can someone contact me. I have been looking for a year now. And had nothing but empty promises fron the shops.
November 28, 2013 @ 1:42 pm
I am looking for the rectangular pool of size 3m x 2.2m or anything closest to that, and with a pump. Where can I get this size Intex pool as I don’t find them in the shops
February 3, 2015 @ 12:08 pm
I need to buy a Intex pool, 1m H x5m r, please forward me the price and where to buy
February 26, 2015 @ 5:10 pm
I am looking for a frame pool that can be used for baptism. Please advise